Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) - a world-renowned education and poverty-fighting organization based in New York - seeks an enthusiastic, dedicated, and mission-aligned Athletic Trainer. The Athletic Trainer will bring a passion for the mission...
Overview At Catholic Health, our primary focus is the way we treat and serve our communities. We work collaboratively to provide compassionate care and utilize evidence-based practice to improve outcomes - to every patient, every time. We are...
Are you looking to make a real difference in the lives of others, using cutting-edge medical technology in an empowering and supportive work environment? Join our growing and well-respected community health system and be part of a culture where...
Job Description: Specific responsibilities will include, but not be limited to planning and conducting practices; evaluation and recruitment of qualified student athletes; individual player skill development and team performance development;...
Overview At Catholic Health, our primary focus is the way we treat and serve our communities. We work collaboratively to provide compassionate care and utilize evidence-based practice to improve outcomes - to every patient, every...
HCZ requires all employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment. Accordingly, successful candidates must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and submit proof of vaccination prior to the commencement of...
Who we are? Ethical Culture Fieldston School is a progressive PreK-12 independent school that has been serving students from throughout New York City and the surrounding suburbs since 1878. ECFS offers a rich curriculum in the arts, sciences,...
Job Description: Appointment Date: September - May Siena College's Head Coach for Men's Club Soccer should understand and exemplify Siena College's mission statement and Franciscan values. Responsibilities Include: *...
Overview Cognito Systems, a Planned Systems International (PSI) joint venture, is seeking an Athletic Trainer to work at Fort Drum in Watertown, New York. The lives of our nation's active-duty military depend on outstanding healthcare.
As a community, the University of Rochester is defined by a deep commitment to Meliora - Ever Better. Embedded in that ideal are the values we share: equity, leadership, integrity, openness, respect, and accountability. Together, we will set the...