Location: Gastonia,NC, USA
Updated: October 14th, 2024
Gaston Community Church
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
GPS: 400 Airport Rd. // Gastonia, NC 28056
Website: www.gastoncommunitychurch.com
Position Overview
Gaston Community Church (GCC) is a Christ-centered, Bible-based church in Gastonia, North Carolina. We seek a full-time Associate Pastor, reporting to the Senior Pastor and the Session, to help equip our congregation for ministry, with an emphasis on spiritual growth and discipleship as we seek to be obedient to Jesus' Great Commission (Matthew 28:19,20) to make disciples.
* Invest in the lives of church members by getting to know them, instructing them in the truths of scripture and sound doctrine, praying with them, and modeling Christ likeness and the fruit of the Spirit.
* Prioritize their personal spiritual development and that of their family (if applicable) through prayer and devotion outside of academic pursuits and through discipling others.
* Provide leadership and oversight for the church's small group ministry, Sunday school classes, children's ministry, and nursery.
* Work with the Senior Pastor to equip members to share the gospel with unbelievers and the unchurched in our community, with an emphasis on joyfully proclaiming the truths of our salvation in an increasingly hostile and secular world.
* Support the Senior Pastor and Elders with ministry responsibilities including preaching on Sunday mornings on a monthly basis and teaching in various capacities.
* Participate in weekly Sunday morning worship services.
* Meet with the Senior Pastor weekly to pray, plan, and encourage one another.
* -Attend monthly joint meeting of Elders and Deacons, and Session meeting.
Salary: $30K-$59K
* A follower of Jesus Christ, committed to the Bible as the inspired Word of God, who feels called by the Holy Spirit to accept this position.
* Strives to meet the Biblical qualifications for leadership given in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
* Demonstrates skills in evangelism.
* Exhibits a genuine love for people of all ages and demonstrates an ability to communicate with unbelievers and the unchurched.
* Affirms the doctrinal standards of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith. (This document can be found at our denominational website: www.arpchurch.org)
* Bachelor's Degree and Seminary (M. Div.) degree (or actively nearing completion of the M.Div. degree).
Other Requirements
* Successful background check.
* Expected to reside in southeastern Gaston County.
How to Apply
How To Apply
Email cover letter and resume to:
Pastor Mark Tankersley at ...@gastoncommunitychurch.org
Or mail to: Pastor Mark Tankersley; P.O. Box 550741; Gastonia, NC 28055
Primary Contact: Mark Tankersley
Email: ...@gastoncommunitychurch.org
Phone: 704#######
Apply Online: View