Location: Fall River,MA, USA
The Superintendent of Schools announces the following position within the Fall River Public School System:
Position: Attendance Officer
Job Description: To assure that no student enrolled in the Fall River Public Schools gains less than full advantage from his/her educational opportunities as a result of attendance problems.
Required Qualifications:
A Bachelor's Degree with courses in psychology, sociology, guidance and education.
A minimum of three (3) years of direct experience in education related fields, social services, or in psychological services to young people.
Demonstrated aptitude for successful fulfillment of the responsibilities listed.
Performance Responsibilities:
Confers regularly with the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services regarding attendance matters.
Reports to the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services all school-age children who are unable to participate in the regular school program because of mental, physical, or emotional handicaps so that they are properly exempted and participate in educational programs appropriate to their needs.
Works closely with teachers, school nurses, guidance counselors, school adjustment counselors, special education staff, and principals regarding students who are absent or tardy too frequently, and who have not responded to the corrective efforts made by the building principal, or by the goals and objectives of his individual educational plan if he/she is a special education student.
Informs appropriate school staff of the attendance pattern of chronic offenders.
Checks the student personnel file before any investigations or action, and confers with other members of the student services team who may be involved.
Participates in individual or group counseling sessions whenever requested by a member of the administration or the student services team.
Participates in case conferences.
Initiates petitions to Juvenile Court and prepares cases for formal hearings, if directed to do so by Principals or the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services.
Attends Court as needed when cases are presented.
Serves as liaison between Court and the school system in cases where students have been delinquent outside of school.
Appears personally at school assemblies, and is available to administrators, teachers, students, and parents on an individual basis, to explain attendance laws and policies and to encourage faithful attendance.
Serves as liaison between the schools and the parents, the courts, community agencies, and police authorities as it relates to student attendance matters.
Moves about the community during school hours and provides immediate service to students who are on the street or in public places.
Enters places where students are employed, to investigate whether or not they are legally absent from school and working under conditions which are within the limits prescribed by law.
Works closely with guidance counselors and adjustment counselors in the identification and counseling of potential dropouts.
The Fall River Public School District is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status or active military status, mental illness, political affiliation, genetic information or disability. All candidates are encouraged to apply.