Location: Columbus,OH, USA
This is Sheetal from ABSI urgently looking for AI CHATBOT DEVELOPER for REMOTE role
Candidate needs to come onsite for meetings at COLUMBUS OHIO
·Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information systems or relateddiscipline, or equivalent and extensive related project experience; Master'sdegree preferred.
·Five years of experience in IT, with 2 years Microsoft ChatbotDeveloper experience and five years .NET Developer experience
·AI Chatbot Developer Experience using Microsoft Bot Framework ismandatory and Google CCAI Services is preferred.
·Minimum of five years of hands-on design and implementation experiencein IT, with knowledge in a minimum of two of the following technicaldisciplines:
oApplication development
oNetwork design
oServers and storage
oDatabase management
Sheetal Agarwal
American Business Solutions Inc
8850 Whitney Drive
Lewis Center, OH 43035
Cell : 614-###-####
Work : 614-###-#### Ext. 4692
Fax: 888-###-####
Mail to: ...@absiusa.com