Custodial Night Supervisor
: Job Details :

Custodial Night Supervisor

Cedar Hill Independent School District (TX)

Location: Cedar Hill,TX, USA

Date: 2024-10-02T02:38:11Z

Job Description:
WELCOME TO CEDAR HILL ISD ONLINE APPLICATIONThe Cedar Hill Independent School District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment matters, in its admissions policies, or by excluding from participation in, denying access to, or denying the benefits of district services, academic and/or vocational and technology programs, or activities as required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. For information about Title IX rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Hallema Jackson, Assistant Superintendent of HR, Cedar Hill ISD, 285 Uptown Blvd., Cedar Hill, TX 75104, 972-###-####.El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Cedar Hill es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidad, y no discrimina en asuntos de empleo por razon de raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, religion, edad o discapacidad ni en sus politicas de admision, ni con impedir la participacion en, negar acceso a, o denegacion de beneficios bajo servicios del distrito, programas academicos y/o vocacionales y tecnologicos, o actividades segun lo requerido por el Titulo VI y el Titulo VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, enmendada, el Titulo IX de las Enmiendas de Educacion de 1972, la Primera Enmienda a la Constitucion de los Estados Unidos, la Ley Contra la Discriminacion en el Empleo por Razon de Edad, la Seccion 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitacion de 1973, enmendada, y el Titulo II de la Ley de Americanos con Discapacidades. Para informacion sobre los derechos bajo el Titulo IX,contactese con la Coordinadora de Titulo IX, Hallema Jackson, Assistant Superintendent de HR, Cedar Hill ISD, 285 Uptown Blvd., Cedar Hill, TX 75104, 972-###-####.Conditions of Employment* Are you eligible to obtain employment in the United States?* I authorize and understand that under state law, the Cedar Hill Independent School District will obtain any criminal history record information pertaining to me. The District may obtain such information from any law enforcement agency, including a police department, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Department of Corrections or similar out-of-state entities.* I understand I may be required to submit to fingerprinting procedures in compliance to Senate Bill 9 for certain school employees in Texas Public schools.* By submitting an online application to the Cedar Hill Independent School District, you acknowledge that all the information contained in this application is true and correct, and you further understand that any misstatement or omission of information may be grounds for disqualification or immediate dismissal.* I authorize the Cedar Hill Independent School Distrct to obtain any information from the Texas Education Agency regarding my certification credentials including reviewing any certification testing results through the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) and the Educator Certification Online System (ECOS).* I authorize all persons listed in this application to give the Cedar Hill Independent School District any and all information regarding my employment, education and any other pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise, and release all parties, such persons, and the District for any damage that may result from furnishing same to the District.* If employed by the district, I agree to conform to all district policies and procedures. I further understand that no representative of the District, other than the Superintendent or designee, has any authority to enter into any agreement, oral or written, for employment for any specified period of time, or to make any assurance of continued employment.Skills Questionnaire* 1) Rate your skills/knowledge for this position.General Questions* Date available for employment: Answer MM/DD/YYYY (Fecha disponible para el empleo: Conteste MM/DD/YYYY)* Are you retired from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS)? If yes, provide date of retirement. (Es jubilado usted del Maestro Sistema de Jubilacion del Estado de Texas (TRS)? Si su respuesta es si, proporcione la fecha que se retiro.)* Have you ever been terminated from employment with a school system? (Ha sido usted despedido alguna vez del empleo con un distrito escolar?)* Have you ever been asked to resign from your position in lieu of termination? (Alguna vez le an preguntado si desea renunciar en vez de ser despedido de su trabajo?)* Have you ever left a school district during the school year for reasons other than medical? (Alguna vez renuncio de un distrito escolar durante el ano escolar por motivos ademas de medico?)* Have you ever received a less than satisfactory employment evaluation from any employer? (Ha recebido una evaluacion menos de satisfactoria de uno de sus empleados?)* Have you ever been placed on administrative leave, suspension, or probation from any position which resulted in a disciplinary action up to and including termination? ?Alguna vez ha sido colocado en licencia administrativa, suspension o libertad condicional de cualquier cargo que resulto en una accion disciplinaria hasta e incluyendo la terminacion?* Have you ever been suspended, with or without pay, during an investigation which led to you being given a reprimand for the alleged act for which the investigation was conducted? (Ha sido usted suspendido, con o sin la paga, durante una investigacion que llevo a usted ser dado una reprimenda por el acto pretendido que la investigacion fue realizada?)* Do you have any disciplinary action or investigation pending by an employer, other organization, professional association, or licensing body, for violence, sexual misconduct, or misconduct involving children? (Usted tiene una accion disciplinaria o investigacion pendiente con un empleado, otra organizacion, asociacion profesional, o grupo licenciativo, para violencia, mala conducta sexual, o mala conducta que implica a ninos?)* Have you ever been disciplined or dismissed from any volunteer position or employment for any reason or following an allegation of sexual misconduct, physical aggression, verbal aggression, or other inappropriate behavior or conduct? (Ha sido alguna vez disciplinado o despedido de cualquier posicion de voluntario o empleo por cualquier razon o despues de acusacion de mala conducta sexual, agresion fisica, agresion verbal, u otro comportamiento inadecuado o conducta?)* Have you ever been the subject of a complaint or disciplinary proceeding against any professional license or professional affiliation held by you? (Ha sido usted alguna vez el sujeto de una queja o proceder disciplinario contra cualquier licencia profesional o afiliacion profesional sostenida por usted?)* Have you ever resigned or been discharged from any position, including the armed forces, while under suspicion of having engaged in criminal, immoral, or unprofessional conduct, or are you now under investigation for any such charge? ?Alguna vez ha renunciado o ha sido dado de baja de algun cargo, incluidas las fuerzas armadas, bajo la sospecha de haber participado en una conducta criminal, inmoral o poco profesional, o esta bajo investigacion por alguno de estos cargos?* Have you ever been reprimanded, or asked to leave or end your membership in an organization in which you were working or volunteering? (Ha sido usted alguna vez reprendido, o dicho que deje o termine su ingreso en una organizacion en la cual usted trabajaba o era voluntario?)* Have you ever been arrested or convicted of, pled guilty or no contest to, received probation, deferred adjudication, or dismissal for any offense (felony or misdemeanor, excluding minor traffic violations)? ?Alguna vez ha sido arrestado o condenado, declarado culpable o no disputado, recibido libertad condicional, adjudicacion diferida o destitucion por algun delito (delito grave o menor, excluyendo infracciones menores de trafico)?* Are you now under suspicion of, under accusations of or under investigation for any allegation of criminal conduct, or immoral conduct, or unprofessional conduct? ?Esta ahora bajo sospecha de, bajo acusaciones de o bajo investigacion por cualquier alegato de conducta criminal, conducta inmoral o conducta no profesional?* Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty to, or pled no contest (nolo contendere) to a criminal offense involving a sexual offense relating to children? (Ha sido usted alguna vez condenado de, se declaro culpable a, o no abogo ninguna competicion (nolo contendere) a una ofensa criminal que implica una ofensa sexual acerca de ninos?)* Have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty to, or pled no contest (nolo contendere) to a criminal offense relating to a crime of violence or assault? (Ha sido usted alguna vez condenado de, se declaro culpable a, o no abogo ninguna competicion (nolo contendere) a una ofensa criminal acerca de un delito de violencia o asalto?)* Do you have any pending criminal cases or charges against you? ?Tiene algun caso penal pendiente o cargos en su contra?* Have you ever been required to report or been reported to any organization or registry for abuse or misconduct involving children? (Ha sido usted alguna vez requerido hacer un reporte o sido reportado a cualquier organizacion o registro para abuso o mala conducta que implica a ninos?)* Do you now or have you ever sought out or intentionally viewed child pornography? (Usted hoy o alguna vez busco o intencionadamente vio pornografia de ninos?)* Are you related in any way, including marriage, to any board member presently serving on the Cedar Hill ISD Board of Trustees? (Es relacionado usted en cualquier manera, inclusive el casamiento, a cualquier miembro de la juntaescolar actualmente sirviendo en el Bordo de Fideicomisarios de Cedar Hill ISD?)* Have you ever been employed by the Cedar Hill Independent School District in any capacity? If yes, please state position and dates of employment. (Ha sido usted empleado alguna vez por el Distrito de Cedar Hill ISD en alguna capacidad? Si si, por favor declare posicion y fechas del empleo.)* Please provide a state issued identification number below and include the state that issued the identification. (Por favor ponga su numero de licencia de manejar o numero de identificacion incluya el estado que publico la identificacion) (Example/Ejemplo: Texas Drivers License Number 49637799) *NOT INCLUDING ALL INFORMATION LISTED MAY CAUSE YOUR APPLICATION TO BE DENIED OR DELAYED IN PROCESSING*SI NO INCLUYE TODA ESTA INFORMACION SU APLICACION SERA NEGADA O RETRASADA EN PROCESAMIENTO*Pre-Employment AffidavitOn November 13, 2017, Senate Bill 7, 85th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, created a new requirement in Texas Education Code 21.009 for all applicants for educator positions at school districts, districts of innovation, open-enrollment charter schools, regional education service centers, or shared services arrangements to provide, using a form adopted by the agency, a pre-employment affidavit disclosing whether the applicant has ever been charged with, adjudicated for, or convicted of having an inappropriate relationship with a minor. This position requires the completion of a pre-employment affidavit.BenefitsDistrict pays $325.00 towards Health Insurance for each employeeEach employee of the district receives five (5) State personal days per yearAttachmentsResumeLetter of InterestLicenses/CertificationsLetter of ReferenceReferencesPara/Aux/Sub Questionnaire 1/2022: 2 of 9 external references required.
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