: Job Details :


Casey Construction

Location: all cities,MD, USA

Date: 2024-10-22T07:27:53Z

Job Description:

Resumen de la posicin: El mecnico / carpintero de paneles de yeso es responsable de la instalacin de paneles de yeso y marcos, incluidos, entre otros, marcos de metal y madera, bloqueos, reparaciones y techos de paneles de yeso con sistemas de enmarcado asociados.


*Aplicar paneles de yeso a paredes o techos

* Sujete los paneles de paneles de yeso al marco interior del edificio

* Preparar paneles para pintar o pegar o terminar juntas

* Trabaje con instaladores de azulejos de techo para construir paredes

* Medir, cortar, ajustar y sujetar paneles

* Instalar aislamiento dentro de las paredes

* Prepare paneles aserrando, perforando o cortando agujeros en paneles para tomas de corriente, unidades de aire acondicionado y plomera

* Atornillar paneles a estructura de madera o metal

* Otras funciones asignadas

Calificaciones mnimas:

Se prefiere tener experiencia trabajando en el oficio; sin embargo, estamos dispuestos a formar personas motivadas y confiables.

Capacidad para realizar tareas mientras se usa equipo de proteccin personal (EPP), segn sea necesario.

Condiciones de trabajo / Requisitos fsicos: El trabajo ocurre principalmente en el entorno en el sitio y puede ser en interiores o exteriores. A veces puede implicar alturas, exposicin al clima clido o fro, ruidos fuertes, polvo y humos. Escalar, pararse, sentarse, caminar, alcanzar, agacharse, equilibrarse, ponerse en cuclillas y arrodillarse durante perodos prolongados de tiempo. Capacidad para levantar / empujar / tirar hasta y no limitado a 100 libras. Capacidad para realizar trabajos desde alturas, utilizando escaleras y andamios.


* Debe tener un conjunto completo de herramientas para realizar los requisitos del trabajo. La asistencia para la compra de herramientas para empleados est disponible, si es necesario.

* Debe tener un transporte confiable.


Position Summary: The Drywall Mechanic/Carpenter is responsible for the installation of drywall and framing including but not limited to metal and wood framing, blocking, repairs, and drywall ceilings with associated framing systems.


* Apply drywall to walls or ceilings

* Fasten drywall panels to the inside framework of building

* Prepare panels for painting or taping or finishing joints

* Work with ceiling tile installers to build walls

* Measure, cut, fit, and fasten panels

* Install insulation inside walls

* Prepare panels by sawing, drilling, or cutting holes in panels for electrical outlets, air-conditioning units, and plumbing

* Screw panels to wood or metal framework

* Other duties as assigned

Minimum Qualifications:

* It is preferred to have experience working in the trade; however, we are willing to train motivated and reliable individuals.

* Ability to perform duties while wearing personal protection equipment (PPE), as required.

Working Conditions/Physical Requirements: Work occurs primarily in on-site environment and may be indoors or outdoors. May sometimes involve heights, exposure to hot or cold weather, loud noises, dust, and fumes. Climbing, standing, sitting, walking, reaching, bending, balancing, squatting, and kneeling for prolonged periods of time. Ability to lift/push/pull up to and not limited to 100 lbs. Ability to perform work from heights, using ladders and scaffolds.


* Must have a complete set of tools to perform job requirements. Employee tool purchase assistance is available, if needed.

* Must have reliable transportation.

The starting hourly rate for this position is $21.00 to $35.00 (based on skills, training, and experience). CASEY provides a benefits package that includes options for medical, dental, and vision coverage, as well as voluntary term life and AD&D insurance. Additionally, CASEY offers paid time off and financial benefits such as a 401(k) plan with matching contributions.

The compensation and benefits information are current as of the date of this posting. Eligibility requirements may apply to benefits and incentive compensation.

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