: Job Details :


City of Peoria, IL

Location: Peoria,IL, USA

Date: 2025-03-21T06:56:14Z

Job Description:
Salary : $50,024.00 AnnuallyLocation : Peoria, ILJob Type: Permanent Full-TimeJob Number: 2024-01Department: Emergency Communications CenterOpening Date: 01/02/2024 The City of Peoria is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action EmployerDescription LOCATION: PEORIA MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 542 SW ADAMS, PEORIA, ILLINOIS (Free Parking)SALARY: 2025 Rate: $24.05/hr as Trainee - $26.57/hr as TelecommunicatorInitially hired as Trainee; promoted to Telecommunicator after completion of training$250.00 bonus upon hire, $500.00 bonus upon completion of one year, $250.00 bonus upon completion of 18 months.HOURS: Days off, Shifts, and Hours vary Three Shifts: 1st=6:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., 2nd=2:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m., 3rd=10:00 p.m.-6:00 a.m. As-Needed Shift (any hours and days with minimum 5 days notice - after completion of training) High probability of 2nd or 3rd shift, two consecutive days off during the week, work all weekends and holidays.The City of Peoria Emergency Communications Center (ECC) is responsible for emergency communications for the citizens of the City of Peoria and Peoria County. The ECC provides dispatching services to Peoria Police, Peoria Fire, Peoria County Sheriff, Emergency Medical Services, Peoria County Fire & EMS agencies and other City departments as part of the Peoria City/County Enhanced 9-1-1 system. The ECC typically receives over 350,000 incoming telephone calls a year. Telecommunicators are responsible for communication between those in need and police, fire and emergency medical services (EMS). This is done by taking emergency phone calls, sending out appropriate information for Police, Fire and EMS and providing accurate contact information for affected individuals. Examples of Duties IMPORTANT ATTRIBUTES: Skill in typing information (45 words per minute), using letter/number combinations, quickly and accurately; ability to handle a high degree of stress; ability to listen to caller, type information into computer about the call, and respond to radio simultaneously; make decisions quickly and take effective action in emergency situations; ability to establish and maintain working relationships with the general public and other employees. TESTING REQUIREMENTS: Tests will be conducted on an on-going basis; applicants will be notified of testing dates; applicants who successfully pass all required tests will be placed in an eligibility pool for future hire. Candidates who successfully pass tests will be required to observe in the ECC for a minimum of 4 hours. Candidates will be given an orientation and detailed information about the duties and environment. Selected candidate must successfully pass a criminal background check, pre-employment physical, including a drug screen, prior to hire.Minimum Qualifications High school diploma or GED; radio or telephone communication courses helpful; prior related dispatching experience desirable; experience in multi-tasking jobs a plus; equivalent combination of education and experience considered; must pass computerized telecommunicator test and oral interview; selected candidate must successfully pass background investigation conducted by the Police Department. Supplemental Information EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS TELECOMMUNICATOR/TRAINEESTEPS IN HIRING PROCESS - As of 1/1/2016 CRITICALL TESTING (allow 2 hours for test)
  • Test held at the Municipal Services Building, 542 SW Adams, Info Systems Training Room
  • Computer scored test includes:
Data Entry skill & speedCall SummarizationDecision MakingMemory RecallSentence ClarityPrioritizationMap ReadingSpellingReading Comprehension SELECT INC TESTING (Allow 2 hours for test; usually immediately follows Criticall test)
  • Test held at the Municipal Services Building, 542 SW Adams, IS Training Room
  • Valid behaviorally based assessment specifically for entry level 9-1-1 telecommunicators and call takers
  • Prior to the Oral Interview each candidate must spend a minimum of 4 hours observing in the City's Emergency Communications Center. Candidates may observe on any day of the week, including weekends. Candidates will need to make arrangements with the ECC Shift Supervisor for their observation.
  • Given to all individuals who pass the Criticall & Select pre-employment test
  • Approximately 25 minutes in length
  • Standard interview questions - job -related questions that measure the individual's ability to think on their feet
  • Conducted by Staff of the Emergency Communications Center and Human Resources
  • Individuals are given points for each question: points are totaled and averaged for passing score of 45 (Maximum points 75)
  • Information about the shift, environment, training, benefits given to applicants at this time
  • Candidates who pass the oral interview will be given a detailed background investigation questionnaire to complete. This must be returned to the HR Department within 5 business days of notification of passage of the oral interview.
  • Background investigation, including a criminal history check, will be conducted by the Peoria Police Department. Passage of background is required.
Applicants who are successful in all phases of the testing will be given a cumulative score and placed into an Eligibility Pool. Candidates who successfully pass the background investigation will be offered a position, conditional upon passing the medical exam, including a drug screen, as openings occur.APPLICATIONS FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, CITY HALL, 419 FULTON, ROOM 202, PEORIA, IL 61602. FAX# (309) ###-####, PHONE# (309) ###-####; E-MAIL ; WEBSITE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH RESIDENCY WITHIN PEORIA CITY LIMITS WITHIN ONE YEAR OF EMPLOYMENT. HOWEVER, IF YOU CHOOSE TO WAIVE THAT REQUIREMENT, YOU MUST LIVE WITHIN A TWENTY (20) MILE RADIUS OF CITY HALL AND GIVE UP 2% OF YOUR BASE PAY FOR FIVE (5) YEARS. YOU WILL NEED TO COMPLETE A WAIVER OF RESIDENCY FORM IN THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. SELECTED CANDIDATE MUST PASS MEDICAL EXAMINATION INCLUDING A DRUG SCREEN PRIOR TO HIRE. OFFICIAL CLASS SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE IN THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT.PENSION PROGRAM: Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF): Ten years required for vesting. IMRF Death Benefit - Annual Salary after 1 year's service. IMRF Disability Benefit - 50% of Salary up to 30 months after 1 year's service.Employee Contribution (12.15%)Social Security - 7.65%IMRF - 4.50%Employer Contribution (14.33%)Social Security - 7.65%IMRF - 6.68% UNION MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE: American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) - Union dues through payroll deduction.VACATION: No Vacation in first year of employment. Earn 6.67 hours per month.1 to 5 Years of Service - 2 Weeks Paid Vacation6 to 15 Years of Service - 2 Weeks and 1 additional day for every year of service15 Years and Up - 4 Weeks Paid VacationSICK LEAVE: 6.67 hours per month earned. No limit on total days accumulated. PERSONAL LEAVE: Earn 2.67 hours per month.1 to 5 Years of Service - 4 days per year (Accumulated Monthly)5 Years and Over - 5 days per yearHOLIDAYS: 10 Paid Holidays per year.MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE: Coverage effective first day of the next month following completion of one calendar month of employment. Members may opt out of the City's insurance program with proof of other coverage - coverage for dependents is optional. The City of Peoria Health Insurance offers two (2) plan options for coverage. Bi-weekly premiums for AFSCME employees depend on which plan is selected. On your hire date, you will meet with City's Patient Advocate to receive detailed information on the plans and the appropriate premium cost. Depending on plan selection, you can enroll in the Flexible Spending Program (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA).LOW DEDUCTIBLE PPO PLANMember Only $49.62/per payMember + Partner $169.33/per payMember + Child(ren) $133.98/per payMember + Family $233.84/per pay HIGH DEDUCTIBLE PPO PLANMember Only $24.82/per payMember + Partner $84.67/per payMember + Child(ren) $66.99/per payMember + Family $116.92/per pay LIFE INSURANCE: $20,000 group term Life Insurance and $20,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance - No cost to employee. CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE: Savings accounts/loan accounts/checking accounts located at 505 NE Monroe, Peoria, IL 61602; Phone: (309) ###-####; FAX: (309) ###-####; Hours: 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:50pm, Monday through Friday.TUITION REIMBURSEMENT: Available on class-by-class basis, if funds are available, for job-related classes, based on prevailing rates at public institutions, based on grade, upon approval.DEFERRED COMPENSATION: Three major 457 Plans available. Voya Financial, Mission Square, and Nationwide Retirement SolutionsWORKER'S COMPENSATION: Self-Insured Plan.RESIDENCY: An employee hired on or after January 1, 2023, must reside within the City of Peoria. An employee's unauthorized residency outside the City of Peoria shall be grounds for immediate termination.(Summary data only. Labor Agreements in effect are actual controlling documents.)
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