Location: Hillsboro,WV, USA
High Rocks-Mountain SOL partnership
Located in Morgantown, West Virginia, Mountain SOL School is an outdoor education non-profit focused on nature awareness, stewardship and outdoor leadership. Our classes are more than just lesson plans taught outside- they are engaging, fully immersed experiences. We emphasize passion, personal responsibility, and leadership skills to guide our next generation on the path of building a more just and resilient Appalachia. Mountain SOL School is about connection- connection to oneself, connection to friends, to community, and to the greater circle of life. We strive to give students the opportunity to learn not only practical skills and knowledge such as wilderness survival skills and concepts of nature and the environment, but also teamwork, leadership, and a passion to protect the natural world and cultivate a community of support and acceptance Our classes are hands-on and allow for unstructured time in the woods as well as experiences in stewardship and self-led exploration. Our programs teach skills and knowledge across 4 broad categories of outdoor and environmental education. We teach Concepts of Nature We teach Wilderness & Outdoor skills We teach Environmental Stewardship We teach Natural Fitness and Healthy Lifestyle Further help on this page can be found by clicking here.
Member Duties : . Member will serve directly with students, parents and volunteers in the continued development of an outdoor fitness program, aid and mentor in the construction of final student projects, become trained as a mountain medic instructor, and serve as a coordinator and instructor in our summer programs.
Program Benefits : Living Allowance , Health Coverage , Training , Childcare assistance if eligible , Education award upon successful completion of service .
Terms :
Permits working at another job during off hours , Permits attendance at school during off hours , Car recommended .
Service Areas :
Education , Health , Environment , Children/Youth .
Skills :
Teaching/Tutoring , Recruitment , General Skills , Communications , Public Speaking , Community Organization , Team Work , Leadership .