Description HIRING IMMEDIATELY! Our Hosts are the first to greet our guests. They assign them to their table and take them there. They help create a great environment by stocking and cleaning tables, assisting our servers and rolling napkin set-ups They also answer the phone and help callers. Our Hosts keep our front of the house going. Host start at $18.00/hour plus tips. We offer a full training program, advancement potential, free food for performance, meal discounts, flexible schedules and restaurant contests. Must Be 18 or older We'd love to meet you! Requirements
- Hospitality
- Team Mentality
- Passion
- Integrity
- Top-notch customer service
- Reliable transportation
- Must be available for weekend shifts
- Must be authorized to work on the US
Company Information At Karma, we offer a taste of Upscale Asian Cuisine that you will remember. We have a large selection of Chinese, Japanese, selections and Sushi & Sashimi. Our specialty is Fusion Sushi, a cross between Japanese Flavors and delicate sauces and styles of France. We are a local growing company. We will be opening in Winchester and Wellesley soon. Come and be part of our team!