Location: Macomb,IL, USA
Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs/Elevate STEM
The VISTA will develop a curriculum with 4-H for teaching and use of the CNC machine and CNC programming with youth ages 12-18 and adults 18-34. Research and teach themselves CNC programming and how to operate the Farm Bot. Practice using the software and troubleshooting issues as they arrive. Further help on this page can be found by clicking here.
Member Duties : Develop training materials on programming CNC machines in general and the Farm Bot in particular. Develop curriculum on the science of modern farming - soil sampling and testing Create teacher training manuals/videos to assist teachers in learning the curriculum as well as troubleshooting the technology Develop promotional materials to expand the reach of the program and educate the community on the program and its benefit for youth VISTA will raise funds to sustain the program and ensure that it is affordable for low income youth by soliciting sponsorships from area businesses and organizations Research and write grant applications to provide finding for the program to cover materials, student transportation, honorariums for teachers/mentors Develop fundraisers to sustain the program as well as raise the profile of the program in the community
Program Benefits : Training , Childcare assistance if eligible , Education award upon successful completion of service , Stipend , Relocation Allowance , Living Allowance , Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend , Health Coverage* .
Terms :
Car recommended , Permits working at another job during off hours .
Service Areas :
Children/Youth .
Skills :
Communications , Computers/Technology , Fund raising/Grant Writing , Writing/Editing , Youth Development , Education , Leadership , Business/Entrepreneur , Recruitment , Teaching/Tutoring .