Salary : $45,228.00 AnnuallyLocation : Nashville, NCJob Type: Full TimeJob Number: 2024-00102Department: Department of Social ServicesOpening Date: 10/24/2024Closing Date: ContinuousGeneral Statement of Duties Adult Medicaid Unit. This position is stationed at Nash Hospital half-time. Job has diverse duties which require knowledge in Family & Children's Medicaid, Adult Medicaid, Long Term Care, Community Alternatives Program, Special Assistance and Special Assistance In-Home. Experience preferred in all Medicaid programs, NC Fast, interviewing, processing applications, recertifications and reacting to changes in the specified areas.The primary purpose of this position is to provide intake services for theIncome Maintenance Programs here at DSS, as well as at the hospital. Theworker in this position must take and process applications under thefollowing programs: Family and Children's Medicaid Programs and AdultMedicaid Programs. The worker will take applications for Food andNutrition Services and WFFA when called upon, however these applicationswill be given to the various units for processing. This worker's physicallocation will be at Nash Health Care two and a half days per week and atNash DSS two and a half days per week.This position is located at UNC Nash Health Care Systems in the CareManagement Department when working in the hospital location. Thisposition is an Income Maintenance Caseworker, as classified with the NashCounty Department of Social Services. This worker will report directly tothe Income Maintenance Supervisor over Adult Medicaid, Long Term Careat Nash County DSS and will report to the Director of the Patient FinancialServices section at UNC Nash Health Care Systems.The working hours for this position are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Mondaythrough Friday. There may be times when this worker will be required towork overtime, or after hours, to meet the needs of the unit, and at thediscretion of the supervisor and approval of the agency Director. Essential Duties and Tasks This position is responsible for intake and processing all applications takenat Nash Health Care Systems for Medicaid, Adult and Family and Children'sMedicaid. This position is responsible for taking courtesy applications forthe surrounding counties as requested by the supervisor of CareManagement Department and the approval of the other counties. Workermay also be called upon to visit and/or take and process applications taken at Coastal Plain Hospital, Bryant T. Aldridge Rehabilitation Center and theLife Care Acute Care Hospital.This position is responsible for meeting with supervisors, reviewing oldand new policy, researching cases, making telephone calls, working upcases taken at Nash Health Care, checking mail, attending trainings,determining eligibility, and any other duties asked of them by theirsupervisor, deputy director and or the director.Worker may be required to contact collaterals, other Health Care Facilities,financial institutions, employers, attorneys, tax offices, social securityadministrations, nursing homes and rest homes, as well as medical providersincluding nurses and social workers at Nash Health Care System, PublicHealth Facilities as well as personnel in other Department of SocialServices. These contacts are made for the purpose of obtaining/confirminginformation to process applications and determine eligibility.Worker must take the application and explain eligibility guidelines, rightsand responsibilities of the agency and the client. Worker must advise clientof their appeal rights and provide client with a copy of rights andresponsibilities. Worker must explain confidentiality and how it relates tothe client and the agency. Must be a very good listener and have a goodknowledge of the agency to help client decide on a program that is best forthem. Must document well, complete required documents, review forcompleteness, accuracy and perform data entry for all required documents.Computer skills are very important in this position as worker must performmany inquiries using the state system as well as information that is onlinewith the Employment Security System, DOT, DMV, OPUS, SocialSecurity Admin, etc.Worker in this position is not involved in court unless called upon to providetestimony. However this worker will be required to request and preparepaperwork for local and state appeals on behalf of the client. Summariesmust be prepared according to agency guidelines and the summary presentedto the local and or state hearing officer.The worker in this position will receive supervision from the Department of Social Services and Care Management Department of Nash Health Care.Worker will also process changes, work reports and completerecertifications as assigned by supervisor at DSS.Worker in this position must keep a log of all clients seen during the day byentering their name on a log. On the log, the worker must have client'sname, address and status of the case, purpose of the visit and whether or notit may be an inquiry, application or a talk. Please list courtesy applicationstaken for other Counties.Worker will be expected to work emergency shelters and perform relateddisaster tasks, as well as perform other reasonable tasks requested by yourimmediate supervisor, the deputy director and/or director. Knowledges, Skills and Abilities 1. Caseworker must have the ability to organize workload, workspace,mail, forms and phone calls. This position must be able to prioritize workand be able to change these priorities from day to day.2. Communication skills are essential for the Medicaid Caseworker sothat the program policies, rules and regulations may be related to theclient, families, POA or representative in a clear understandable way -regardless of educational, social or economic background. TheCaseworker must be able to let the client know when information isneeded, so eligibility may be determined timely and accurately.3. Trust and respect is essential in establishing a working relationshipwith a client, their family, POA or representative. This is often difficult orimpossible and the Caseworker must make every effort to earn their trustand respect. Clients, their family, POA and/or representatives need to feelcomfortable with the Caseworker and they will more freely provideinformation and most often will respect the caseworker. Tactfulness is amust both with the Client and co-workers, as well as presentingthemselves as a professional, while maintaining constant vigilance fortheir safety and the safety of others in the office. Caseworker is required tofollow the agency safety plan.4. Caseworkers must possess the ability to make logical conclusions anddecisions, as well as being objective and clearly understand the impact oftheir decisions - both to the client and to the county.5. Basic math knowledge is essential in being able to follow budgetingprocess and correctly computing eligibility, allowing deductions andfiguring a deductible.6. The Medicaid Caseworker must be a very good Interviewerand be able to ask questions that will lead to responses that provide therequired information, so that eligibility determination may be made.Quite often, the same questions are asked repeatedly, just rephrased tomake sure that the information is correct and consistent.7. The LTC Caseworker must also possess the knowledge ofinformation that is needed and how to get this information that is notforthcoming from the client, so that correct eligibility decisions are madeand overpayments are avoided, when possible. Desirable Education and Experience l. Two years of experience as an Income Maintenance Caseworker oran equivalent combination of training and experience.2 . Valid North Carolina Driver's License.3. Must have immediate access to a vehicle to perform essentialfunctions of the job.INSURANCE PROGRAMSGroup Health Insurance Nash County provides full time and part-time benefit eligible employees working 30 plus hours per week with Health Insurance coverage with the North Carolina State Health PlanIncluded in each selection is:
- Preventative Care Coverage
- Prescription Coverage
- Chiropractic Coverage
Health Insurance may become effective for employees the first day of the month following employment.Group Dental InsuranceNash County provides full-time and part-time regular employees working 30 plus hours per week. Dental Insurance becomes effective for employees the first day of the month following the 30th day of employment.Group Life InsuranceNash County provides term Life Insurance for full-time and part-time regular employees working 30 or more hours per week.Life insurance is paid for you by Nash County and pays your beneficiary one time your annual salary not to exceed $200,000 in the event of your death. Accidental death and dismemberment coverage is also provided.Life Insurance becomes effective the first day of the month following 30 days of employment. Voluntary supplemental term life insurance coverage for you, your spouse or your dependent children is also available - please see the Human Resources Department for more details.Short Term Disability InsuranceNash County provides active full-time regular employees working 30 plus hours per week the option to purchase Short Term Disability Insurance.Short Term Disability Insurance may cover up to 70% of an employee's monthly salary with a maximum of $2,000 per month, in the event of an injury or illness, for up to 13 weeks. FINANCIAL PROGRAMS RetirementMembership in the North Carolina Local Government Employees Retirement System is a requirement for all regular full-time and regular part-time employees. Employees contribute 6% of their annual compensation before it is taxed. If you leave County service before retirement, you may withdraw your retirement contributions or elect to freeze your contributions in anticipation of future local government employment. If you have 5 years of service, you are 100% vested in the NCLGERS.NC401(k)The NC401(k) supplemental retirement program is available to regular full-time and regular part-time employees. The County establishes this 401(k) account for each eligible employee and makes a 5% contribution based on monthly earnings. Employees may elect to make voluntary contributions through payroll deduction.457 Deferred CompensationThe 457 Deferred Compensation program is available to regular full-time and regular part-time employees through payroll deduction. Deferred compensation is a voluntary investment plan to supplement retirement income and to defer taxable income.Special Separation AllowanceThe Separation Allowance is available to law enforcement officers between the ages of 55 and 62 years that are eligible and retire under the provisions of the NC Local Government Employees Retirement System.125 Flexible Benefit PlanFlexible Spending Account options are available to regular full-time and regular part-time employees who wish to use pre-tax dollars for eligible medical, pharmacy, dental, vision, and daycare expenses. The Flex Convenience Card program gives you instant access to your account funds.
- Health Care Spending AccountSection 125 of the IRS Code allows yearly voluntary enrollment to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible health care expenses.
- Dependent Care Spending AccountSection 125 of the IRS Code allows yearly voluntary enrollment to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible dependent care expenses.
Direct DepositDirect Deposit is a condition of employment for all employees. Deposit of your paycheck will be made to checking or savings accounts in a bank of your choice.Credit UnionLocal Government Federal Credit Union membership is available to all employees. Once you join, you can remain a member for as long as you choose. Immediate family members such as spouse, children, stepchildren, brothers, sisters, and parents can all become members.Employees of both the Departments of Social Services and Public Health are eligible to join the State Employees Credit Union.LEAVE PROGRAMS Vacation LeaveFor regular full-time County employees, vacation leave accrues based on length of service. Regular part-time employees accrue prorated vacation leave based on a percentage of the full-time benefit.Sick LeaveFor regular full-time County employees, sick leave accrues at 8.0 hours per month. Regular part-time employees accrue prorated sick leave based on a percentage of the full-time benefit. Your unused sick leave balance can be applied as creditable service toward a service retirement under the guidelines of the NCLGERS.HolidaysThe policy of the County is to follow the holiday schedule as published by the State of North Carolina each year.The following holidays are observed:
- New Year's Day,
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day,
- Good Friday,
- Memorial Day,
- Independence Day,
- Labor Day,
- Veteran's Day,
- Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and
- Three (3) days at Christmas.
Military LeaveAnnual Training - Reserves and National Guard -Ten paid workdays per fiscal year.Active Duty - Reserves and National Guard - Ten paid workdays upon activation.Civil LeavePaid leave is provided to full-time or regular part-time County employees called for jury duty or as a witness of the court for the federal or state government, or a subdivision thereof.Family Medical Leave ActFederal law provides job protection and continuation of existing paid health insurance during 12 weeks of leave, paid or unpaid, to an eligible employee for qualifying events. These events can include birth or adoption, and serious illness of an immediate family member, or of the employee.OTHER PROGRAMSEmployee Assistance Program (EAP)The Employee Assistance Program is open to all employees and their dependents. It is a confidential service provided at no cost to the employees of the County. EAP provides certified counselors who administer assessment and brief therapy to employees who want help with a variety of personal and work-related issues such as stress, parenting concerns, grief, alcohol/drug use, family problems, financial concerns, and work-related problems.Wellness Center and TelemedicineWe believe that staying healthy is inclusive of exercising regularly and taking care of your physical body. Nash County has a Wellness Center, which consists of various exercise equipment and videos, open to all full and part-time employees. All full-time employees also have access to telemedicine through Teladoc. Teladoc treats conditions like allergies, sore throats, asthma, and more. Doctors are available by phone or video 24/7 from wherever you are. They are available to diagnose symptoms and send a prescription if needed. NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICESThe benefits offered by Nash County are subject to change. In the event there is a conflict between the above contents and Nash County policies and/or a State or Federal statute, the policy/statute shall control. Plan documents will govern benefits plans should there be a conflict with this information. They are not held out to any employee as part of any contractual agreement. Benefits, policies, and procedures are subject to change or termination at any time.Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. Actual provisions of each plan will be provided on the certificate of coverage as part of the Summary Plan description.Nash County is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ProviderIn accordance with Federal civil rights law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's Target Center at (202) ###-#### (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) ###-####.Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at filing cust.html and any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) ###-####. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: 1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; 2. fax: (202) ###-####; or3. email: ...@usda.govUSDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. 01 Which best describes your level of education?
- No GED and no High School Diploma
- GED or High School Diploma
- Some college
- Associates Degree
- Bachelor's Degree
- Master's Degree
- Doctorate's Degree
02 How many years experience as an Income Maintenance Caseworker?
- No experience
- 2 - 23 months
- 2 years - 5 years
- 5+ years
03 How many years experience in Adult Medicaid?
- No experience
- 1 month - 11 months
- 1 year - 2 years
- 2 years - 5 years
- 5+ years
04 How many years experience in Special Assistance and Long Term Care?
- No experience
- 1 month - 11 months
- 1 year - 2 years
- 2 - 5 years
- 5+ years
05 If you have NC Fast experience, approximately how many years of experience do you have working in the software?
- 0 - 1yr
- 1yr - 2yrs
- 2yrs - 3yrs
- 3yrs - 5yrs
- 5yrs+
06 Do you have a valid NC drivers license?
07 Do you own a reliable vehicle that can be used for work-related transportation?
08 Employees are expected to work in emergency shelters and/or perform disaster related tasks.
09 Your application must illustrate all relevant education and experience you have acquired in the last 10 years, to include any gaps you have had between employment (gaps in employment MUST be documented under the work experience section of the application). Failure to complete the Work Experience & Education sections of the application may result in your application not being considered. A resume will not be considered in determining your qualification for this position.
- I have read and complied with the above statement
- I have not read this information
Required Question