Infection Preventionist
: Job Details :

Infection Preventionist

Edgewood Estates

Location: Frenchburg,KY, USA

Date: 2025-03-13T18:20:46Z

Job Description:
InfectionPreventionist Department Nursing Reports to Director of Nursing Reporting to this position None Job Classification Administrative/Management Position Purpose Develops, implements, and maintains a facility-wide infection prevention and control program. RequiredQualifications Minimum requirements include one ofthe following:
  • Aprofessionally-trained nurse that has earned a certificate/diploma or degree innursing;
  • Aprofessionally-trained medical technologist (or clinical laboratory scientist)that has earned at least an associate's degree in medical technology orclinical laboratory science;
  • Aprofessionally-trained microbiologist that has earned at least a bachelor'sdegree in microbiology;
  • Aprofessionally-trained epidemiologist that has earned at least a bachelor'sdegree in epidemiology;
  • Otherrelated fields of training such as physician, pharmacist or physician'sassistant
Must also meetstate requirements for relevant licensures or certifications and have nodisciplinary action in effect against professional license. Education, training, experience, orcertification in infection control and prevention. Completed specialized training ininfection prevention and control through accredited continuing education. Program Development and Oversight Program development and oversight will emphasize theprevention and management of infections. Program oversight involves establishing goals and priorities for theprogram, planning, and implementing strategies to achieve the goals, monitoringthe implementation of the program (including the interdisciplinary team'sinfection control practices), and responding to errors, problems, or otheridentified issues. Additional activitiesinvolved in program development and oversight may include but are not limitedto: ? Ensure complete and prompt reporting of incidents with follow up asnecessary to Administrator and Director of Nursing ? Identifying the staff's roles and responsibilities for the routineimplementation of the program as well as in case of an outbreak of acommunicable disease, an episode of infection, or the threat of a bio-hazardattack; ? Developing and implementing appropriate infection control policies andprocedures, and training staff on them; ? Monitoring and documenting infections, including tracking and analyzingoutbreaks of infection as well as implementing and documenting actions toresolve related problems; ? Defining and managing appropriate resident health initiatives, such as: ? The immunization program (influenza, pneumonia, etc); and ? Tuberculosis screening on admission and following the discovery of anew case, and managing active cases consistent with State requirements; ? Acting as a nursing facility liaison to work with local and Statehealth agencies; and ? Managing food safety, including employee health and hygiene, pestcontrol, investigating potential food-borne illnesses, and waste disposal. ? Attending QA meetings and reporting on findings as may be appropriate. ? Other duties as assigned. Components of the Infection Prevention and ControlProgram : An effective Infection Prevention and Control Programincorporates, but is not limited to, the following components: * Policies,procedures, and practices which promote consistent adherence to evidence-based infection practices; * Programoversight including planning, organizing, implementing, operating, facility's interdisciplinary team isinvolved infection prevention and control; * Surveillance,including process and outcome surveillance, monitoring, data Federal law and regulation); * Education,including training in infection prevention and control practices, to ensure compliance with facilityrequirements as well as State and Federal regulation * Antibioticreview including reviewing data to monitor the appropriate use of antibiotics in the resident population. Activities related to the Infection Prevention andControl Program may include but are not limited to: * Undertakingprocess and/or outcome surveillance activities to identify infections that are causing, or have the potential tocause an outbreak; * Conductingdata analysis to help detect unusual or unexpected outcomes and to determinethe effectiveness of infection prevention and control practices; * Documentingobservations related to the causes of infection and/or infection trends; and * Implementingmeasures to prevent the transmission of infectious agents and to reduce risks for device andprocedure-related infections. Other DutiesAssigned : (as noted above will include, but not be limited to) This position will also act asa back up Minimum Data Set (MDS) nurse and will be educated and trained oncompleting and reporting processes for this position. Major Dutiesand Responsibilities Develops and implements an ongoing infectionprevention and control program to prevent, recognize, and control the onset andspread of infections in order to provide a safe, sanitary, and comfortableenvironment. Establishes facility-wide systems for theprevention, identification, reporting, investigation, and control of infectionsand communicable diseases of residents, staff, and visitors. Developsand implements written policies and procedures in accordance with currentstandards of practice and recognized guidelines for infection prevention andcontrol. Overseesthe facility's antibiotic stewardship program. Overseesresident care activities that increase risk of infection (i.e., use and care ofurinary catheters, wound care, incontinence care, skin care, point-of-careblood testing, and medication injections). Leadsthe facility's Infection and Prevention Control Committee. Develops action plans to address opportunitiesfor improvement. Participateson the facility's QAA Committee. Performsduties as assigned. Implementsan annual infection control risk assessment process and participates in thefacility's annual facility assessment review process. Reviewsand/or revises the facility's infection prevention and control program, itsstandards, policies, and procedures annually and as needed for changes to thefacility assessment to ensure they are effective and in accordance with currentstandards of practice for preventing and controlling infections. Provideseducation related to infection prevention and control principles, policies, andprocedures to staff, residents, and families (where appropriate). Ensurespublic health is notified of reportable diseases. Collaborateswith other departments in fulfilling requirements related to occupationalhealth and safety. (I.e. employee health). Maintainsdocumentation of infection prevention and control program activities. AdditionalAssigned Tasks
  • Treatsall residents with dignity and respect. Promotesand protects all residents' rights
  • Establishesa culture of compliance by adhering to all facility policies andprocedures. Complies with standards ofbusiness conduct, and state/federal regulations and guidelines
  • Follows appropriate safety and hygiene measures at all times toprotect residents and themselves
  • Maintainsconfidentiality of protected health information, including verbal, written, andelectronic communications
  • Reportsnoncompliance with policies, procedures, regulations, or breaches inconfidentiality to appropriate personnel. Reports any retaliation or discrimination toHR or compliance officer
  • Reportsany allegations of abuse, neglect, misappropriation of property, exploitation,or mistreatment of residents to supervisor and/or administrator. Protects residents from abuse, and cooperateswith all investigations
  • Reportsany occupational exposures to blood, body fluids, infectious materials, and/orhazardous chemicals in accordance with facility policy
  • Participatesin all life safety and emergency drills and trainings. Fulfills responsibilities as assigned duringimplementation or activation of the facility's emergency plan
  • Reportswork-related injuries and illnesses immediately to supervisor
  • Follows established infection controlpolicies and procedures
  • As acondition of employment, completes all assigned training and skills competency
  • Remains current on new developments relatedto infection prevention and control by attending professional institutions,reading professional journals, attending professional seminars, or reading newlaws, rules, and regulations
  • Serves as resource for staff regardinginfection prevention and control, including the identification of when aresident needs to be placed on transmission-based precautions
  • Works with environmental services to preventcross-contamination in the care environment
  • Works with community partners and otherhealthcare facilities to help prevent transmission of infection during caretransitions
  • Assists with admission, discharge, or care ofresidents as needed
  • Uses proper lifting and body mechanics whiledelivering care to residents
  • Performs administrative duties as assigned
  • Reports work-related injuries and illnessesimmediately to supervisor
PersonalSkills and Traits Desired/Physical Requirements
  • Ability to read, write, speak and understand the English language
  • Must be a supportive team member, contribute to and be an example of team work
  • Ability to make independent decisions whencircumstances warrant such action
  • Ability to deal tactfully with personnel,residents, family members, visitors, government agencies/personnel and thegeneral public
  • Must have patience, tact, and willingness todeal with difficult residents, family and staff
  • Must be able to relay information concerninga resident's condition
  • Must not pose a threat to the health andsafety of other individuals in the workplace
  • Must be able to move intermittentlythroughout the workday
  • Meets general health requirements accordingto facility policy, including medical and physical exams and checking immunitystatus to various infectious diseases
  • Ability to work beyond normal working hours and on weekends and holidays when necessary
  • Ability to assist in evacuation of residents during emergency situations
  • Ability to bend, stoop, kneel, crouch, perform overhead lifting and perform other common physical movements as needed for the position
  • May be subject to falls, burns from equipment, and/or odors throughout the day; encounter reactions from dust, tobacco smoke, disinfectants, and other air contaminants
  • Subject to exposure to infectious waste, diseases and/or conditions which include AIDS, Coronavirus, Hepatitis B, and Tuberculosis
  • May be subject to hostile or emotional residents, family members, visitors or personnel
  • Ability to work independently, and toorganize, plan, and manage time effectively to complete assignments
  • Knowledgeable of nursing and medicalpractices, and ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary to provideappropriate care to meet resident needs
  • Effective verbal and written communicationskills and ability to exercise judgement
  • Strong listening skills and ability to dealwith conflict with professionalism and courtesy
  • Intermediate computer skills, includingability to create documents in various programs (Word, Excel, Publisher,PowerPoint, Adobe), and navigate electronic medical record systems
Compliance as a Condition of Employment and PerformanceAppraisal Agreementto abide by all standards, policies, and procedures of the facility, includingthe facility's compliance and ethics program, is a condition of employment. Compliance will be a factor in evaluating jobperformance. Violations, includingfailure to report violations, will result in disciplinary action, up to andincluding termination. Thisjob description is intended to convey the general scope of the major duties andresponsibilities inherent in this position. Other tasks not listed here may be assigned ifthe tasks are similar or related to the essential duties of the position. Periodic revision may be necessary to reflectchanges in expectations placed on the long term care industry by various governmentalagencies. This job description will bereviewed and/or revised annually and as needed. Individualperformance will be evaluated using the following scale: 1. Unsatisfactory: Achievesresults which are far less than the standards identified for the performancefactors rated. 2. NeedsImprovement: Achievesresults which are less than the standards identified for the performancefactors rated. Exhibits the potential tobecome a competent performer. May be newto job or need skill development. 3. MeetsStandards: Achievesresults which meet the standards identified for the performance factors rated. This rating is the expected level ofperformance. 4. ExceedsStandards: Achievesresults which usually exceed the standards identified for the performance factorsrated. ReasonableAccommodation Statement Consistentwith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and [insert state civil rightslaw], it is the policy of [Facility Name] to provide reasonable accommodationwhen requested by a qualified applicant or employee with a disability, unlesssuch accommodation would cause an undue hardship. The policy regarding requests for reasonableaccommodation applies to all aspects of employment, including the applicationprocess. If reasonable accommodation isneeded, please contact [include name and/or department, telephone, and e-mailaddress].
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