Location: Orlando,FL, USA
Mayor Buddy's Book Club - Orlando
Orlando Cares is the City of Orlando's Cities of Service Initiative. The initiative aims to connect citizen volunteers to impactful opportunities to make a difference in Orlando. Mayor Buddy's Book Club is a signature Orlando Cares Programs that promotes youth literacy and reduces youth crime rates by providing students in grades 2-6 with a structured, after-school reading program where they are connected with a Book Buddy mentor. The book club operates at 15 City of Orlando neighborhood centers and the Orlando Public Library. The goal is to expand book club participation to additional library branches and public schools. Further help on this page can be found by clicking here.
Member Duties : The AmeriCorps VISTA - Mayor Buddy's Book Club with coordinate the Mayor's Book Club by planning monthly events for youth, recruiting and managing Book Buddy volunteers, writing and administering grants, and strengthening partnerships with the Orange County Library System and Orange County Public Schools.
Program Benefits : Health Coverage* , Childcare assistance if eligible , Choice of Education Award or End of Service Stipend , Training , Living Allowance , Relocation Allowance .
Terms :
Permits working at another job during off hours , Car recommended , Permits attendance at school during off hours .
Service Areas :
Public Safety , Education , Neighborhood Revitalization , Community Outreach , Children/Youth .
Skills :
Fund raising/Grant Writing , Team Work , Public Speaking , Writing/Editing , Youth Development , Education , Teaching/Tutoring , Communications .