Meet the Press,” the longest-running television show in history, is looking for a Producer with exceptional editorial, edit producing and research skills, a demonstrated expertise in covering politics, strong writing skills, and experience as a field producer, to create provocative, compelling segments across “Meet the Press” platforms.
This will be a 6 month temporary freelance assignment, subject to change. It can be fulfilled remotely, or based out of our DC or NY bureaus.
- Produce guest research and write questions for “Meet the Press” moderator
- Manage editing for the broadcast, acting as a liaison between editors, producers, show leaders and the control room and ensuring all show tape is delivered on time and in broadcast style
- Generate and pitch show ideas and program guests
- Field produce remote interviews, organizing crews and production elements
- Work with editors to cut long-form interviews, including Meet the Moment interviews, field interviews and day-of-air pre-tapes
- Edit show Open as needed and pitch sound elements
- Work with show leaders and Affiliate Marketing to promote the broadcast with early release bites and promos
- Generate booking ideas and assist in booking logistics
- Write compelling scripts for segment intros and teases
- Produce content for show website and social media platforms
- Oversee production and release of digital video elements
- Work closely with Executive Producer, Moderator, and Senior Broadcast Producer
- Effectively collaborate with show staff
- Minimum of 5 years of show production experience for a network or cable news operation
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience
- Must have unrestricted work authorization to work in the United States
- Must be available to work Saturdays & Sundays as part of the regular weekly schedule and evenings and holidays as required
Desired Characteristics:
- Exceptional editorial skills & excellent news judgment
- Strong edit producing skills and demonstrated experience
- Extensive knowledge of and demonstrated passion for politics and public policy
- Strong writing and research skills
- Creative, independent thinking skills
- Experience as a remote producer under deadline pressure
- Live control room experience
- Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
- Ability to perform well under pressure
- A team player with excellent communication skills