North American Stainless
Location: Ghent,KY, USA
Date: 2025-03-13T18:21:35Z
Job Description:
GENERAL JOB DESCRIPTION:This position is responsible for providing professional quality engineering service and technical support involvingtechnical quality, in-process quality, and customer service. Supports NAS total quality program to improve cost,productivity, yields and customer requirements.The QC Engineer be involved in all or a portion of the Responsibility list. The positions available are InternalQuality Control Engineer and External Quality Control Engineer.Internal Engineer: Will focus on internal quality, process and metallurgical Control, process & new equipmentdevelopment.External Engineer: Will focus on external/customer quality, process control and metallurgical development for enduse application, new product development.ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS:1. Develops NAS Product Standard Manual including product specifications, tolerances, mechanical properties, etc.for distribution to all customers in order to promote a better understanding of NAS products and productidentification.2. Communicates customer requirements to all affected NAS employees in order to maximize understanding ofcustomers' needs and increases customer service through fewer errors, claims or complaints.3. Develops, defines and implements standardized routing practices for inclusion in AS400 and Lev II computers toinsure consistent and repetitive process routing for maximum quality and yields.4. Studies and researches customer product needs to insure the proper application of NAS products to meet thespecific customer end use requirements and maximize customer relation- ships.5. Develops, researches and defines annealing conditions tomaximize AP lines' capacity, quality and cost savings.6. Operates within NAS standards and quality practices; ASTM testing standards; ASTM, ASME, AMS minimummechanical properties and dimensional tolerances; and customer product specifications.7. Format Data Entry Format requests from inside sales to be reviewed and responded to the issuing person the sameday. (Received am/respond pm, or received pm/respond am).8.erial disposition at finishing process. This can be considered the last step at NAS involved in Quality Control'sparticipation in order follow-up, to be9. Order Follow Up Critical orders(defined by nature of applications, Sales or Past performance) to be followed upby Quality Control. This includes identifying critical needs of the order, communicating these critical needs to theproper section within the organization, monitoring and controlling the critical needs during the critical stages ofproduction and assisting Material Control in ensuring on-time delivery of product.10. Customer Claims and ComplaintsCustomer claims or complaints received from customer, field or inside sales to be reviewed, analyzed anddispositioned within 72 hours. In case of situations requiring customer visits, these dispositions to be done within 2 to3 weeks of the initial claim notification. This also involves follow up and dispositioning of returning material.Claims mainly involved will be of the Technical/Metallurgical nature.11. Customer visits(visits to customer locations/customer visits to NAS). Visits to be included are initial visitsfor establishing customer specification requirements, follow up visits for NAS' product evaluation and visits forevaluating claims and complaints.12. Customer Support This support activity mainly involves technical support offered to the customer involving newproducts or product sold by NAS to the customer.13. Melt Shop/Hot Rolling/Cold Finishing review & analysis.14. This section of QC is responsible for reporting productivity status and managing special in-house projects.15. Internal Quality- Analyzes quality by line, crew, data collection. Assists in determining appropriatecorrective actions.16. Production & Productivity Analysis- Analyzes production and productivity by-line, data collection and analysis,during down time and slow downs.17. Yield- analyzes yields by line, crew and recommends improvements for production lines.18. Areas of focus for analysis will be Melt Shop, Hot Rolling, Cold Finishing. All areas integrated withthese processing facilities are within the scope of responsibility for the Engineer.SUPPLEMENTAL JOB FUNCTIONS:Detail Duties - Summary:Distribution and/or Enduser AccountsPrecertification/Test Certificate ErrorsRetention Releases/DispositionsSpecial Process VerificationQuality DispositionsClaimsFormatsLevels of AccomplishmentLevel I: -Format creation, understanding of NAS codes in relation to industry standards.Release of material to ship through Quality solutionsLevel II: Level I in addition to the following:Claims/Complaints analysis through review of internal analysis, (processing, production, equipment,procedures at error) or metallurgical reason for issue of claim/complaint.Product support and development internally or externallyLevel III: Level II in addition to the following:Routing standard and details involvedCertification and pre-certification maintenanceRetention (all QC releases) system dispositionOrder followup, trial simulation, customer end-user support.MINIMUM EDUCATION, SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE:1. Minimum of a B.S. Degree in Metallurgical/Material SciencePHYSICAL ABILITIES REQUIRED:HEALTH AND SAFETY1. Work in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.2. Follow Company safety rules.3. Report the absence of or defect in any protective equipment or clothing to the Supervisor or Managerimmediately.4. Use or wear the equipment, protective devices or clothing that is required to be used or worn:Safety shoesSafety glassesHearing protection5. Report to the Safety Coordinator, Group Lead or Supervisor any contravention of the Occupational Healthand Safety Act and Regulations or Company policy.6. Must follow all Lock out Tag out (LOTO) guidelines for designated machines.7. Maintain a clean and safe work area.WORK ENVIRONMENT:1. Work in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations.2. Clean, well ventilated and safe work areas.
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