Abington Friends School is an ambitious Quaker school community with a powerful academic program for children age 3 through grade 12. Our students seek intellectual adventure, build strong analytical and creative thinking skills and form a sturdy sense of self. More information is available at Abington Friends School, an independent school located in Jenkintown, PA, is seeking candidates for an immediate opening for an assistant coach with its Varsity Girls Basketball program. The ideal candidate will have a strong basketball background and will be available from 4pm to 6pm on weekdays for practices from the beginning of November through the end of February. Game day commitments for the winter season are on selected weekdays and some Saturdays. There is the possibility of broadening this position to include working with AFS Middle School Girls Basketball if there's mutual interest to do so. In addition, AFS seeks candidates with:
- an attention to individual skills development appropriate for athletes with a range of abilities and experience
- a willingness to partner with the Varsity Girls Basketball head coach to further the fundamentals of the AFS Girls Basketball program
- a commitment to upholding the values of the Athletics Department and the School
- previous basketball experience as a competitive player or coach
- a comfort working with and appreciation of young adolescents as athletes and individuals
Compensation for these positions is determined through AFS's Coaching Stipend Scale depending on the candidate's years of experience, years employed by AFS, coaching level and length of season. An approximate stipend range for the position is available upon request.Interested candidates should submit a resume and have references available upon request. Questions should be directed to Athletic Director Jeff Bond, at ...@abingtonfriends.netAbington Friends School is an equal opportunity employer and affords equal opportunity to all applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or any other status protected under local, state or federal laws