College Assistant - Business Office **GENERAL DUTIES** - Under supervision, performs miscellaneous clerical, administrative, research or other work related to the operation of a College or other unit where such work is...
About the job Data Entry Clerk - Work From Home Admin Remote -United States If you're a skilled help desk manager who can lead our IT team and provide support to internal customers aka our employees, both on-premises and off it. You will...
Under supervision, with latitude for independent judgment, performs moderately difficult and responsible clerical work in maintaining and checking various kinds of records, performs moderately difficult data entry and retrieval using various...
Required Qualifications: Entry level candidates with their college degree in either Business or FinanceDesire to be in a purchasing/procurement roleStrong organization and communication...
Who are we? Colonial Surety Company is an insurance company licensed for business in every state, listed by the U.S. Treasury as an approved surety, and rated “A Excellent” by A.M. Best Company. Our distinct, digital...
Rate: $24-$28/hr (Long-term Contract to permanent conversion)Opportunity Snapshot:Primary responsibilities include managing customer communications and expectations for interconnection services. Learn and understand the company business model and...
Overview: The Administrative Coordinator for the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) at the School of Medicine will provide comprehensive senior-level administrative support to the Dean of...
Objective: The LaundryLux Credit Analyst is responsible for supporting the creditworthiness of potential borrowers and assessing the risks associated with lending activities. This typically involves analyzing financial...
We are looking for a part-time Administrative Assistant for Continuing Education & Workforce Development (CE&WD) to perform routine office functions as well as a variety of tasks that require planning and organization to support department staff...
JRN: 1900 An executive in the tech industry with a family is seeking an experienced personal assistant to help with day-to-day tasks. This is a role for a candidate who has strategic thinking and the necessary follow through to...