Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) - a world-renowned education and poverty-fighting organization based in New York - seeks an enthusiastic, dedicated, and mission-aligned Outreach Worker to join the Baby College Department. The instructor will...
Thanks for your interest in Success Academy! Running the largest, fastest-growing, and highest-performing network of public charter schools in New York City takes a village - families, children, teachers, staff and faculty, advocates and...
New Haven Teen Leadership Lab - Instructors Needed Help students Learn to be Change-Makers! To Apply: Email resume and/or Letter of interest to...
This position provides technical support to the University Senate and the Office of the Registrar with dual reporting to the Manager of University Senate Affairs and the Assistant Registrar for Academic Scheduling. The Senate Operations...
Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) - a world-renowned education and poverty-fighting organization based in New York - seeks an enthusiastic, dedicated, and mission aligned Tutor to support the Academic Services Unit. The Tutor will bring a passion...
Thanks for your interest in Success Academy! Running the largest, fastest-growing, and highest-performing network of public charter schools in New York City takes a village - families, children, teachers, staff and faculty, advocates and...
Overview Attends training sessions, passes content assessment, and delivers designated instructional models and strategies in readiness, reading, mathematics, and/or...
University of Rochester: Office of the Provost: Academic Center: Hajim School of Engineering & Applied Sciences: Institute for Data Science **Salary Range or Pay Grade** 12-month salary: $90,000 to $140,000 (depending on...
Position Information Position Title Part Time Public Relations Instructor Position Category Faculty Position Status FLSA Exempt Advertised Salary $915 per lecture hour/$819 per lab hour. Department Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences...