Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) - a world-renowned education and poverty-fighting organization based in New York - seeks an enthusiastic, dedicated, and mission-aligned Outreach Worker to join the Baby College Department. The instructor will...
Lighthouse Guild is the leading not-for-profit healthcare organization dedicated to addressing and preventing vision loss. Our mission is to provide exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals.
New Haven Teen Leadership Lab - Instructors Needed Help students Learn to be Change-Makers! To Apply: Email resume and/or Letter of interest to...
Bouldering Project's mission is to foster meaningful human connection with the most inspiring and inclusive climbing, movement, and community spaces. We care deeply about humans. We're driven by the pursuit of better. We create joyful places and...
OUR PEOPLE POWER OUR PURPOSE Join our team and ignite your intention to make a difference. Together, we'll create an experience powerful enough to transform lives, including your own. Discover what happens when physical meets mindful.
Why Promise Academy? At Harlem Children's Zone (HCZ) Promise Academy, we strive to be the best K-12 charter school within HCZ's cradle-to-career pathway of comprehensive services. Our relentless commitment to providing our children...
OUR PEOPLE POWER OUR PURPOSE Join our team and ignite your intention to make a difference.? Together, we'll create an experience powerful enough to transform lives, including your own. Discover what happens when physical meets...
OUR PEOPLE POWER OUR PURPOSE Join our team and ignite your intention to make a difference. Together, we'll create an experience powerful enough to transform lives, including your own. Discover what happens when physical meets mindful.
About the New York Athletic Club and the Winged Foot Day Camp : The New York Athletic Club, one of the world's premier clubs, is seeking a Day Camp Swim Instructor at the Travers Island property located in Pelham, NY. The candidate for this position...